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Challenges and Transparency: Tesla’s FSD Version 12 Rollout Delay Addressed by Executive

Insight into the Delay

Tesla’s executive, Rohan Patel, recently shed light on the delay in deploying version 12 of the company’s full self-driving (FSD) software for certain Model S and X vehicles. The delay has raised questions among paid FSD customers, including one Tesla driver, Anthony Spina, who highlighted the issue of not receiving the update despite having paid for the capability. Meanwhile, some non-paying users are benefiting from a 30-day free trial of the new software. This disparity has led to concerns about fairness.

Patel elaborated that while Tesla typically prioritizes its paid FSD customers, a small fraction of Model S and X owners possess different hardware that requires additional validation before receiving the update. This sub-group accounts for a mere 3% of all FSD-eligible vehicles. Patel’s message aimed to provide clarity but refrained from offering definitive timing for the rollout. Nevertheless, he assured customers that Tesla’s software engineers and validation teams are actively working to address the issue.

Acknowledging the frustration faced by some customers, Patel stated, “We don’t want to give false precision on timing until the validation can be completed, but want you to know we are focused on trying to solve this.”

Significance of the Situation

The delay in the FSD version 12 rollout underscores the challenges involved in implementing advanced autonomous driving features. Tesla’s decision to offer free trials to non-paying customers in the U.S. has sparked positive feedback, showcasing the company’s commitment to innovation in the automotive sector. The trial is designed to allow drivers to experience the potential of the FSD software and encourage them to consider purchasing or subscribing to the service in the future.

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This delay also serves as a reminder of Tesla’s strong emphasis on autonomous driving technology. In a keynote address in June 2023, CEO Elon Musk emphasized the critical role of vehicle autonomy in shaping the company’s market value, stating, “The value of the company is primarily on the basis of autonomy.” This strategic focus on autonomy reflects Tesla’s position as a pioneering force in the automotive industry.