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Market Buzz: Analyzing Friday’s Noteworthy Option Activity

Costco Wholesale Corp (COST)

Today in the S&P 500 arena, all eyes are on a bustling beehive of options activity surrounding Costco Wholesale Corp (COST). The trading floor is abuzz with a total of 81,294 contracts exchanging hands, reflecting a virtual whirlwind of about 8.1 million underlying shares. This figure stands at a staggering 475.4% of COST’s typical daily trading volume for the last month, painting a vivid image of the stock’s active participation in today’s market dance.

Amid this flurry, a particular standout is the $810 strike call option set to expire on May 31, 2024, with 3,034 contracts trading fervently. This translates to roughly 303,400 underlying shares of COST adding fiery sparks to the already blazing trading floor. As investors watch the action unfold, they are greeted with a visual extravaganza in the form of a chart showcasing COST’s trading history over the past twelve months, with the $810 strike shining bright in a vibrant orange hue.

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Meanwhile, over in the NVIDIA Corp (NVDA) territory, the options trading landscape is a hectic frenzy, with a staggering 1.6 million contracts in play. This substantial figure represents a whopping 161.4 million underlying shares, or approximately 381.4% of NVDA’s average daily trading volume for the past month. The NVDA trading arena is a vibrant carnival of market activity, with investors eagerly watching the spectacle unfold.

Within this spectacle, the $1100 strike call option stealing the spotlight is expiring on May 31, 2024, with a whopping 61,426 contracts being juggled to and fro. This influx represents approximately 6.1 million underlying shares of NVDA, adding further energy to the already electrifying trading scene. Investors are guided through this lively journey by a chart illustrating NVDA’s trading history over the past twelve months, with the $1100 strike shining boldly in orange tones.

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Netflix Inc (NFLX)

Turning our attention to the Netflix Inc (NFLX) domain, the options trading stage is a sea of activity, with 74,069 contracts in motion. This overwhelming number translates to approximately 7.4 million underlying shares, or about 241.1% of NFLX’s average daily trading volume over the last month. The trading floor is a symphony of motion, with investors eagerly tracking every movement.

Amidst this whirlwind, the $655 strike call option set to expire on May 31, 2024, is commanding attention with 3,381 contracts in play. This energetic exchange represents roughly 338,100 underlying shares of NFLX, injecting further dynamism into the already animated market. Investors are guided through this vibrant journey by a chart displaying NFLX’s trading history over the past twelve months, with the $655 strike radiating a warm orange glow.

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For more detailed insights into the plethora of available expirations for COST, NVDA, and NFLX options, investors are encouraged to visit and delve deeper into the thriving world of options trading.